Variety Pose Class
Ideal for newcomers and experienced artists alike. The varied pose lengths enable newcomers to make a series of drawings, allowing them to develop on their previous work and make quicker progress. For experienced artists the shorter pose lengths and variety provide challenges of time and perspective, allowing artists the opportunity to make complete drawings, but also keeping them on their toes. All our drop in classes are led by professional artists who are on hand to provide tuition and guidance
Thursday Night Drop-in Class
The Royal Inn on the Park
111 Lauriston Rd
Lauriston Village
E9 7HJ
Mile End Tube/277 bus
The beautifu Royal Inn provides a great location for our Thursday night class. A warm and relaxed atmosphere is enhanced by access to a fantastic bar downstairs and at the end of the night it's no distance at all to the pub!
Currently closed due to Corona
We plan to re-open our in person classes as soon as possible, but for the time being we have moved our classes entirely online to protect our clients and models.
We would like to encourage you to try our online classes which offer tremendous value and are a great alternative to the in person experience.
there are actually some advantages to online, quite apart from the fact you are near the kettle and fridge. Among the advantages are more reliable foreshortened poses and the additional compositional aid of the screen, plus the fact that we are able to work with models from all over the world in our online sessions, which makes for tremendous variety. Click the link below for details on our latest online sessions and how to book.